10 things on your wedding day

by | Apr 28, 2023

The day has finally come around. You are feeling all the feelings. This is not a time to freak yourself out. With this trusty list of dos and a couple of don’ts, you’ll be fist-pumping your way to “I do”. No one will know what hit them.

Print this out, and stick it on your fridge. Let’s be prepped for success.

Go for a morning walk.

Even if it’s just to the milkbar (do they still exist?). Get some fresh air. Clear your mind. Remove yourself from any chaos at the house/hotel room. Don’t answer your phone.  

Pump up the jam on your stereo and have a micro dance party with yourself or your crew.

The daggier the song, the better. Get those endorphins pumping, and have some LOLs. Maybe she’s born with it. Maybe it’s M.C. Hammer.  

Have a fabulous breakfast.

If you are having a traditional wedding with many people in attendance, this could be your last opportunity to eat a proper meal. Croissants, YUM! Pancakes, YES! A hashbrown stack drizzled in hollandaise with a side of bacon, Don’t pretend this isn’t the best idea ever! And make sure someone is pouring you a crisp glass of Chandon daaaaaaarling. 

Breathe, baby, breathe!

Taking a moment to yourself to calm those nerves. Light some nag champa. Do some groovy breathing techniques. It truly works (my therapist tells me so). Breath in for 4. Hold for 7. Exhale for 8.  

Brief the room.

If you have your pals staying overnight before the big day, or arriving first thing, give them the lowdown. Tell them how you are feeling. Let them know you have scheduled some alone time for that walk in the morning. Set the tone. This is a temple and we are all gods/goddesses.

Bend and SNAP!

Do a yoga class in the morning. This will take your mind off things. A focused class will keep you in the zone, plus you’ll be super Zen and bendy. 

Don’t O.D. on the coffee or pre-ceremony sparkles.

You might feel tired, but you don’t want to feel jittery. Nor do you want to feel woozy after accidentally being topped up with your third bev. Feeling fresh and stress-free is where you wanna be.  

Don’t write your vows on your wedding day.

I see this all the time. I’m sure you’ve had many months to put pen to paper. Who wants to do this on the fly? Make it count. Don’t freak yourself out.  

Check in with your lover.

It’s OK to see how they are doing. Give them a call. Send them a flirty text. They are probably quietly freaking out into their tower of hashbrowns. Let them know you’re thinking of them. 


Say this mantra before pressing go! 

I am hot 

I am glorious 

I am Dianna Ross 

I am loved 

All our guests are wearing nothing but their underwear 

I’ve got this. 

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