What do you like to be called? Michelle
What’s your business name? The Bowmont
What do you do? Stylist. Cook. Recipe Developer. Run an event space. BnB host
Where is The Bowmont based? Franklin, Huon Valley
What is The Bowmont’s business ethos? Style Meets Sustainability
Were there moments in your formative years that might have indicated an interest in your line of work/? A lot of moments, especially during my 20s, when I worked for almost a decade organizing fundraising special events in Sydney in the arts sector, and learnt so much from so many talented people, from hosts, cooks, florists, pr, I loved what they did and they inspired me in so many ways.
Why did you start The Bowmont? I wanted to create a beautiful space in the Huon Valley that brings people together whether that’s an intimate workshop, elopement, or supper club.
Any stand-out moment since starting The Bowmont? Every time I get to share our space with people, whether that’s a photo shoot creating beautiful content for a client, a group of strangers sharing a meal together they’ve helped cook at a workshop or watching our very first couple tie the knot.
Worst moment? Honestly, I don’t dwell on things like that so I can’t really recall a worst moment.
Have there been any mistakes you’ve made that you feel you have grown/learnt from? Oh gosh so many, I always make mistakes, again too many to recall, but, I always try to learn from them, work on how I can avoid making that mistake again and move on.
Where are you at with The Bowmont currently and are there any plans on the horizon? Close to opening upstairs for short-term stays, rethinking how we can use better utilise the downstairs space to share with more people.
What trends are you seeing in the wedding industry? Well, I don’t really follow or pay much attention to trends, but I can definitely see people choosing smaller, more meaningful celebrations, and putting more importance on sustainability and minimising waste.
Other hobbies/interests? you’ll find me spending time either on or in the river, always cooking, preserving the harvest or pottering in the garden.
Tell us about your favourite vendors. The Rebel Union! Marry Me Memily for Celebrants, Cassie Sullivan, Jonathan Wherrett for photography, Eliza Rogers and Lisa Kingston for Flowers, Bek Burrows for extraordinary event styling
Favourite food? Anything that’s local seasonal and delicious!
Your spirit animal and why? An Egg. Symbolic, photogenic, delicious,
What would your final meal be? Oysters, Steak Frittes, Red Wine, lemon tart
Favourite song? If I had to choose, New Slang by The Shins or Sparky’s Dream by Teenage Fanclub
If you had one piece of advice to share with couples, what would it be? Learn the art of compromise and never stop being friends.